Theme B part 4

  • Created by: Sia11
  • Created on: 08-05-21 14:21
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  • Theme B
    • Animal experimentation
      • Christians allow testing on animals for medical purposes but not for cosmetics. They would require cruelty to be avoided where possible but human life is sacred and takes priority.
        • The Pope said that ‘we must abandon factories of death’ and only do tests that are likely to save lives. We are stewards and must care for animals. Only humans have souls and since medical testing saves human lives this is seen as acceptable.
      • Muslims also accept testing on animals for medical purposes. They believe only humans are sacred and have a rouh. Humans are the most important part of Allah’s creation as all other beings had to bow down to them.
        • The Quran teaches that “to save one life is to save all of mankind.” Cruelty should be avoided as Muhammad was compassionate to animals and we have a duty as khalifahs.
      • Many Hindus are against using animals for experimentation. This is because animals also have the sanctity of life as they have an atman (soul). This means experiments go against the duty of ahimsa (to do no harm) and may lead to bad karma.
        • Any experiment which kills and animal is stopping the natural process of samsara (reincarnation) at the time set (kala). Some Hindus might allow medical testing but others wouldn’t as animals shouldn’t be harmed.
    • The use of animals for food
      • Most Christians see animals as for the use of humans. Jesus ate fish and nothing in the Bible condemns using animals for food. We have dominion and are told to “rule over” living things.
        • Intensive farming for food is cruel to animals and also creates a shortage of food for people in poor countries as well as damaging the environment so this kind of farming maybe wrong but not the eating meat itself.
          • Some Christians today might become vegetarian to tackle these problems but do see animals as a God-given food source
      • Muslims allow animals to be used for food but only if halal food laws are followed.  Some meat is haram  so is not permitted.
        • Halal means ‘permitted’ and for the use of animals for food to be permitted the following criteria must be met: they must be treated well in life, fed and watered, not see others being killed or the knife, throat slit with a sharp knife and prayer said.
      • Many Hindus are vegetarian. 90% of the world’s vegetarian population live in India, a Hindu country.
        • This is because animals have souls (atmans) and those atmans are a part of God (Brahman) you should also not cause harm to any living thing.
          • Hindus would especially oppose the use of cows for beef since cows are an especially sacred animal in Hindu culture.


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