Validity in the diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia


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  • The validity of the classification and diagnosis of sch.
    • Symptom overlap - sch symptoms can be found in depression and bipolar.
      • Ellason & Ross - people with dissociative disorder have more sch symptoms than schizophrenics.
    • Dual diagnosis - common to show 2 symptoms of 2 mental disorders at one (co-morbidity).
      • DSM encourages dual diagnosis.
    • Cultural variations - diagnosis is more frequent in African Americans and Caribbeans
      • Reflects greater genetic vulnerability, psychosocial factors or minority groups?
    • Stigmas can reduce validity - many cases go undiagnosed because the stigma and repercussions.
      • In Japan sch translates to 'disease of the disorganised mind'.
      • Kim & Berrrios (2001) - in Japan psychiatrists are so reluctant to diagnose only 20% of sch are aware.
    • Cultural relativism - clinicians can misinterpret cultural differences in behaviour as the expression of symptoms. In some Caribbean countris its believed you should talk to the dead.
    • Language difficulties - clinican may not speak the same language as the patient. things can be lost in translation and can cause inappropriate or no treatement.


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