sex discrimination

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  • The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986
    • Makes it unlawful to discriminate against an individual on the grounds of gender and marriage and promotes sexual equality within employment, education, advertising, provision of housing, goods, services and facilities.
    • Applies to both men and women of any age, including children, altough more women have experienced prejudice on the grounds of sexual discrimination than men.
    • Discrimination can happen in two ways
      • Directly: treating an individual differently because of their gender.
      • Indirectly: although both sexes are considered, one sex dominates the other.
    • Amended in 1986 to ensure that discrimination within small firms, private households and employment and at the age of retirement, was abolished.
    • If an employer is found to be guilty of discrimination by an Industrial Tribunal under the Sex Discrimination Act: *the Tribunal will make recommendations for steps to be taken in the company to remedy the situation *the employer, will be ordered to pay compensation to the complainant for loss and inhury suffered as a consequence of the discrimination which has occured.
    • The same protection is offered to those in a civil partnership as to those who are married.
    • Applies in Wales, Scotland and England, to women and men of any age and to children.
    • Sex discrimination is unlawful and in cases such as discriminatory advertising people are within their rights to take action.


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