The roles of Cranmer and Cromwell

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  • The roles of Cranmer and Cromwell
    • Thomas Cranmer
      • Appointed as the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532 in succession to Warham, who had opposed the divorce idea
      • He was a Cambridge scholar, chaplain to the Boleyn family and had been used by Henry on diplomatic missions and as a propagandist for the divorce
      • Was married, which was illegal for Clergymen and his theology was increasing influenced by Luther
      • Pope agreed to his elevation to Canterbury even though he was suspected of favouring reform
      • Married Henry to Anne Boleyn (Jan 1533) and then later (May 1533) declared that Henry had never been married to Catherine
      • Later Cranmer would be behind the theological structure of the new Church of England - English prayer books and Articles of religion
    • Thomas Cromwell
      • The political architect of the Henrician reformation. He helped draft the great statutes (acts of Parliament) which created the new church
      • Henrys most trusted and powerful adviser through the 1530s
      • Skilled politician and propagandist for the power of the monarchy. Delivered what Henry wanted in terms of elevating royal power to new heights
      • Principle architect of the Dissolution of the Monasteries (1536-1540)
      • Executed for Heresy in 1540


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