The Role of the Skeletal System

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  • The Role of the Skeletal System
    • Joints
      • SLIGHTLY MOVEABLE JOINTS -  joints which are only slightly moveable. A good example is the vertebrae in the spine
      • FREELY MOVEABLE JOINTS - the majority of joints fall into this category and are known as synovial
      • IMMOVABLE JOINTS - there is no movement here, such as the bones that make up the skull
    • Movements: there are specific names given to specific movements. The following are the most common of these
      • ABDUCTION - the movement of a bone or limb away from the midline of the body, such as the movement of a star jumpy with the arms and legs
      • EXTENSION - the opposite movement to flexion where the angle at the joint is increased, such as straightening the arm at the elbow
      • ADDUCTION - the opposite movement to abduction where the bone or limb moves towards the body, such as the return of movement of the arms and legs when performing a star jump
      • FLEXION - the decreasing of an angle at a joint, such as bending the arm at the elbow
      • ROTATION - a turning action, such as turning your head to the side when breathing in front crawl
    • Movement and Activity: for any movement to occur, there is usually a combination of movements at several joints. Physical activity puts quite a strain on body and stress on the joints. We need stability and flexibility at the joints to allow complex movements in different directions to take place.
    • The support function of the skeleton is where the framework of the skeleton connects to the muscles to keep our bodies rigid. It allows articulation to take place, which in turn links to the protection function


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