The rise of the KKK from 1915 onwards

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  • The rise of the 2nd KKK-1915
    • Anti black and anti immigration group led by the WASPs as they felt threatened by the influx of immigrants.
    • The stronghold was in the south due to the Jim Crow laws which were anti-black.
    • William J  Simmons became leader in 1915 and turned them into a terrorist group by promoting violence.
    • Government didn't act against it as they and the public weren't too bothered about it.
      • President Wilson had a private showing of KKK film "Birth of a Nation". This gave the KKK credibility and made them more popular with public.
    • President Wilson had a private showing of KKK film "Birth of a Nation". This gave the KKK credibility and made them more popular with public.
    • Continued to grow in the 20s as they printed newspapers highlighting the immigration invasion of USA. Targeted eastern, blacks and communists.
    • Members of KKK who had high status jobs helped KKK establish status and power.
    • They even got protestant ministers to recruit for them, giving a religious approval that many saw as crucial to their growth.
    • 1921 - 5 out of 16 senators were members of the clan. This allowed KKK to have influence on some major decisions in America.
    • Once they became very strong they knew they could get away with killing a black man as there was always an all white jury in courts, many of whom were KKK members.
    • D.C Stevenson was pro  womanhood, prohibition and Christianity   gained him many followers.     He practically ran Indiana illegally making the state corrupt.
    • Stevenson was locked up which led to the KKK downfall.


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