the repeal of the Oppian law

  • Created by: sibby16
  • Created on: 10-02-14 13:24
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  • the repeal of the Oppian law
    • implemented after a defeat by Hannibal at Cannae.
      • an emergency measure to limit the women's use of expensive goods.
        • despite the crisis being over for 20 years the law continued.
    • Marcus Fundanius and Lucius Valerius
      • tribunes of the people
        • brought a motion to repeal the Oppian law
    • no woman might own more then an ounce of gold, wear multi-coloured dress, nor ride in a carriage in the city or nearby towns.
    • tribunes, Marcus and Publius Junius Brutus were in favour of the law.
    • women who wanted the law to be repealed protested outside of the forum.
      • started to solicit the consuls, praetors and other magistrates.
    • MarcusPorcius Cato was particularly in favour of the law.
      • embarrassed by the woman when walking into the forum.
        • said he would have criticised them for speaking to other men.
      • says that their ancestors wanted women to be under the car of a guardian (brother, father, etc.)
      • women will think they have some kind of influence and freedom.
        • will lead to them thinking they are superiors over men.
      • if a husband refuses his wife she will get what she wants from somewhere else.
    • Lucius Valerius
      • says women have a right to ask for the law to be abolished because the war is over.
        • women gave up their luxuries to help fund the war willingly.
      • women have been instrumental in helping wars finish.
        • when the Capitolene had been taken by the sSabines.
      • why would the women risk their luxuries if the law is repealed by acting badly?
      • says it is unfair for women to still have restrictions.
      • by allowing women to have their luxuries back then the men have lost a certain power, but to continue with the law is almost like treating them as slaves.
    • all the tribunes repealed the law.
  • says that their ancestors wanted women to be under the car of a guardian (brother, father, etc.)


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