The importance and effects of The Edict of Nantes, 1598 on the Huguenots

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  • The importance and effects of The Edict of Nantes, 1598 on the Huguenots
    • Huguenots were fee to aquire or inherit office and bipartisan courts (chambres mi parties) were established in the parlements to judge lawsuits involving Protestants.
    • Huguenots were still not allowed to impose taxes, build fortifications, levy troops or hold political assembies
    • Protestant worship still contentious issue; to be allowed in two places in each balliage and wherever the Huguenots could prove it have been openly practised in 1596 and 1597
    • no protestant worship in Paris or Toulouse
    • Two brevets - Huguenots granted degree off military and political independance - towns garrisoned by topps where Huguenots could worship freely.
      • Payment of stripends to protestant pastors from public funds was provided
      • Huguenots allowed to hold all towns which they occupied in August 1597 for eight years -annual payment to royal garrisons.
      • created a Huguenot state within a state funded by the crown. H's bound by favour, but had time, space and money to build churches and fortify towns
        • tensions arose again after HIV's death in 1610
    • By the spring of 1598 the king's position was much stronger than Mantes - Mecoeur out of the running and peace negotiations with spain going well
      • protestant services were permitted in mant towns and chateaux, full civil rights were granted and extensive judiceral protection was offered by special courts
    • -imposition of taxes, construction of fortifications, levying of troops and holding of political assemblies forbidden
    • Many protestants were induced again to participate in the mainstream of French political and economic life


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