The formation of romantic relationships

  • Created by: Rosie
  • Created on: 30-03-13 15:10
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  • The formation of romantic relationships
    • Similarity
      • Byrne, Clore and Smeaton (1986)
      • Suggests that we are attracted to those with similar personality types and attitudes
        • It has also been suggested that attitude alignment occurs during relationships
        • Condon and Craner suggest that a higher similarity gives a lower chance of rejection and that's what we're attracted to (Supporting)
      • Caspi and Hebner supported this - they looked at real marriages and found that the more similar couples were happier
      • However, Rosenbaum suggests that we look for dissimilarity first and avoid it.
        • This suggests that there are more factors influencing the formation.
    • Reward satisfaction theory
      • Repetition of behaviours  that make us happy, or that we associate with good times, e.g if you meet someone at a party.
      • Byrne and Clore (1970)
      • Shown by Vietch and Griffith's radio study - people listened to good or bad news whilst talking to someone and it influenced their opinion of that person
        • This shows that the associations of good/bad news can influence a relationship being formed. (S)
    • Culturally bias - based on Western ideas of relationships
    • Reductionism,  Determinism  and can be explained using the Evolutionary theory.
    • Often rely on lab experiments which lack mundane realism and only look at short term situations
      • This means they cannot be generalised to every day life of the whole population, and they don't necersserily represent the real actions of people
        • But
          • Caspi and Hebner supported this - they looked at real marriages and found that the more similar couples were happier


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