Dissolution of the Monasteries

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  • The Dissolution of the Monasteries
    • Financial
      • Annual income of Monasteries was £136,000
      • Henry spent all his fathers money on wars with France
      • Money acquired could be used to construct necessary defences to protect England from the possible crusade instigated by the Pope to return Britain to the Roman Catholic Church.
    • Political
      • The need to Break from Rome. Biggest opposition to the divorce. Abotts in the House of Lords could offer resistance to further political changes.
      • Henry needed to keep support of the nobility and prevent potential changes to the monarchy. There were families with a stronger claim to the Throne.
        • Eg. The De la Poles.
    • Religious
      • Corruption within the Monasteries, monks and nuns not keeping to their monastic vows. Criticisms for being greedy, lazy self indulgent and having sexual relationships.
      • As an attack on the doctrine of 'good works' as means to salvation.
      • New reformist ideas- Humanism, Lollardy, Martin Luther (Lutherans)
  • Corruption within the Monasteries, monks and nuns not keeping to their monastic vows. Criticisms for being greedy, lazy self indulgent and having sexual relationships.


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