The Cosmological Argument

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  • The Cosmological Argument
    • The Kalam argument in islam
      • Developed using the thinking of Aristotle
      • Everything which begins to exist must have a cause to bring it into existence
      • Against the idea of infinite regression
      • There must be some personal intelligence agency to choose that the universe should exist
        • This must exist outside of space and time
    • Aquinas's five ways
      • Influence by Aristolean thinking
        • Believed faith and reason can combine to reach a better  understanding of god.
      • Wrote about this in his book 'Summa Theologica'
    • Why is there something rather than nothing?
      • The universe cannot account for its own existence
        • GOD
    • Leibniz and the principle of sufficient reason
      • according to Leibniz everything must have a sufficient reason, there must be reasons to explain facts even if these reasons are unknown
    • Hume
      • we cannot move from saying that everything in the universe has a reason to say that the universe as a whole must have a reason
        • We can imagine something coming into existence without a cause
        • according to Leibniz everything must have a sufficient reason, there must be reasons to explain facts even if these reasons are unknown
    • Kant
      • Aargued that our minds like to put things in order, therefore perhaps the order we see in the world is something we impose when we perceive it rather than something that is objectively there.
    • Radio debate
      • Copleston combined the thinking of Aquinas and       Leibniz
        • Leibniz and the principle of sufficient reason
        • Russell rejected sufficient reasoning " the world is just there, that's all"
      • Science: physics has suggested things can exist without a cause e.g electrons
    • Kant
      • Aargued that our minds like to put things in order, therefore perhaps the order we see in the world is something we impose when we perceive it rather than something that is objectively there.


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