The changing nature of international migration

What factors causing a change in the nature of international migration?

Refers to AQA AS Geography (chapter 5 - population change)

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 04-04-13 12:38
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  • The changing nature of international migration
    • Since the 1980s there have been increases in:
      • Attempts at illegal, economically motivated migration as a response to increased legal restriction.
      • Those seeking asylum
      • Migration between MEDCs, especially in the EU where restrictions about the movement of labour have been removed.
      • Short time migration, as cpuntries place increasing limits on work permits. Even MEDCs (UK and USA) limit the length of work permits for qualified migrants coming from other MEDCs.
      • Movement of migrants between LEDCs, to those where rapid economic development is taking place (Singapore, Persian Gulf, Indonesia etc.)
    • Since the 1980s there has been decline in:
      • Legal, long life migration, especially from LEDCs to MEDCs, as the number of low-skilled jobs has dropped. Host countries are also tightening entry requirements.
      • The number of people migrating for life. Many choose to return at some point. For example, a common feature in Italy and Portugal is new housing built by returnees.
      • The number of people migrating to reunite family members, as the amount of long-term family separation reduces and many migrants eventually return home.
    • International migrants make up about 3% of the world's population.
    • Refugees
      • Defined by the UN as persons unwilling or unable to return to their homeland for fear of persecution
      • By 2003, 22 million refugees in the world.
      • Often caused by war, and often temporary, as when the cause of the migration ends, they return to their former homeland.
    • Asylum Seekers
      • Asylum: 'The formal application by a refugee to reside in the country when they arrive in that country'
      • Numbers seeking asylum has steadily increased in recent years.
      • Untitled


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