The types of long term memory and the evaluation points

  • Created by: ggurr88
  • Created on: 05-01-17 19:37
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  • The types of long-term memory
    • Episodic memory - they are the personal memories which involve specific details, context, and emotion.
      • I remember revising for my A levels - I was not happy!
      • The hippocampus, the temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe are all activated when an episodic memory memory is created or recalled.
    • Procedural memories - they are the memories for how you do things and are concerned with skills.
      • Example: In an exam you have to write longhand, but I know how to type much faster on a computer.
      • The cerebellum, the motor cortex, and the basal ganglia and limbic system are all activated when a procedural memory is made created or recalled.
    • Semantic memory - they generally start as an episodic memory, but are there's a gradual transition from episodic to semantic memory where the memory loses its association with a particular event or emotion.
      • Example: I know many theories and studies in psychology.
      • The evaluation points...
        • HM case study.
          • His hippocampus was removed. He was able to create new procedural memories after the removal of the hippocampus, but not episodic or semantic memories.
            • He was able to learn how to draw a figure by looking in a mirror reflection, a skill called mirror drawing. This is a procedural memory. However, he had no memory that he had learned this (no episodic or semantic memory).
              • This supports the idea that there are different types of LTM.
        • Evidence from patients with brain damage.
          • The difficulty with studying amnesiacs is that it is difficult to be certain of the exact parts of the brain that have been affected until a patient has died. Most studies are conducted with living patients. Damage to a particular area of the brain of the brain does not necessarily mean that area is responsible for a particular behaviour - it may be acting as a relay station. Malfunction of the relay station would impair performance.
      • The temporal lobe is activated when a semantic memory is recalled or created.


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