The Terror (1793-1794)

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 07-06-17 13:27
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  • The Terror
    • Influence of Robespierre and the SC
      • Trial of 21 Girons began in October 1793. They still enjoyed some support and their trial lasted 5 days; aquittal became more likely.
        • Robes intervened by convincing the NC that deputies should vote to speed up trials. If after 3 days a jury were convinced they were guilty then they could give the verdict.
          • This led to their conviction and deaths on October 31st. Along with other revolutionaries that followed them.
    • Dictatorship of the CPS
      • By the end of 93 Jacobin gov had won. Revolts had been defeated and foreign troops driven out. This made it possible for them to control the SC.
      • September, NC decree that the sections of the Paris Commune should only meet twice a week. Limiting SC ability to organise.
        • October, the deputies passed a decree that suspended the constitution with its one man one vote.
        • CPS disbanded the Paris Revolutionary Army and closed the clubs where the SC met.
    • Law of Frimaire (December 1793)
      • Established rev gov.
        • Jacobin gov was a dictatorship.
      • Confirmed that the CGS and CPS had full executive powers, including control of local gov, enabling them to break the power of the SC in the Paris Commune.
      • Disbanded all revolutionary armies (SC) in Paris.
      • Went back on earlier revolutionary ideals of decentralization of gov, separation of legislative, executive and judicial.
    • Challenges to the CPS
      • Indulgents
        • = faction led by Danton who campaigned for an end to the Terror in 1794.
        • Mood in Paris changed and many feared Robes was siding with these.
        • Clemency committee was set up.
          • Clemency= mercy
        • Robespierre viewed both factions as a threat.
          • Hebertists followers of Hebert, who wanted more terror, were arrested.
            • They were released and accused the Indulgent and CPS of betraying the revolution. This eventually led to the guillotining of them from the CPS.
              • Hebert's supporters on the Paris Commune were replaced by Robespierre's.
        • Seen as more of a threat due to Danton's popularity.  They were arrested  for conspiring against the CPS and CGS. They were convicted and guillotined April 1794.
      • Hebertists followers of Hebert, who wanted more terror, were arrested.
        • They were released and accused the Indulgent and CPS of betraying the revolution. This eventually led to the guillotining of them from the CPS.
          • Hebert's supporters on the Paris Commune were replaced by Robespierre's.
      • Collot d-Herbois argued that a continuation of the terror was needed, condemning the arrest of Hebertists.


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