The Soviet Invasion of Hungary, 1956

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  • Khrushchev disapproved of Nagy's reforms, Soviet troops invaded Hungary in 1956, provoked a strong reaction in the West and in neutral countries condemning invasion
    • The Soviet Invasion of Hungary, 1956
      • The Invasion
        • If Hungary left the Warsaw Pact, others would soon follow
        • Khrushchev worried that Nagy's actions threatened communist rule
        • Claimed communists were being slaughtered in Hungary (may have been propaganda), but a number of Hungarian communists had been killed and members of state security forces, the AVH, attacked in the violence of Oct 1956 in Budapest and other Hungarian towns and cities
        • Khrushchev feared the unrest would spread to other satellite states
      • The Consequences of the Soviet invasion of Hungary
        • Over 5000 Hungarians and around 1000 Soviet troops were killed, soldiers loyal to Nagy fought against Soviet troops
        • Nagy and his government were disposed
        • Nagy was arrested, tried and executed. Khrushchev wanted to prevent rebellions and hoped he could do so by making an example of Nagy
        • New leader, Janos Kadar, appointed, he introduced the Fifteen Point Programme (aimed to re-establish communist rule in Hungary),
        • Kadar's policies were more moderate leading to Hungary having better living standards, Hungarians grudgingly accepted this form of communist rule
      • International reaction and consequences
        • United Nations condemned Soviet actions. Some countries boycotted the 1956 Olympics in protest
        • USA supported Hungary's uprising with money, medical aid and words, accepted 80000 refugees from Hungary
        • USA couldn't sent troops: would risk nuclear war
        • Hungary on its own against USSR: had to give in
        • Satellite states saw USA would not defend them against Soviet Union, Soviet control re-tightened across Eastern Europe


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