the sign of the four revision sheet

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      • he is described as a calculating machine as he is very methodical when he is working on a case. 'framework is solid. no hinges at the side. no water-pipe near.' the short sentences show that Holmes is talking to himself and thinking through the situation thoroughly in a very methodical way which shows that when he is solving crimes he has a certain way in which he looks at everything
      • has to be stimulated by drugs. uses cocaine at the beginning of the novel to stimulate his brain because he is bored because he has no cases to solve; he's addicted to drugs. 'dotted and scared with innumerable puncture marks.' shows excessive use of drugs.
        • Victorian readers wouldn't see drug use as such a bad thing like it is seen today because the pharmaceutical law had only just passed so people were still used to using recreational drugs legally whereas today it is very illegal.
      • he does show some emotions towards the end of the novel when he lets Watson give the treasure to Mary. Because he knows that Watson has strong feeling for Mary he lets him give her the treasure so he can act as the 'hero'
        • this shows that he's not just the 'calculating machine' like he is portrayed in most of the novel. he has other layers and emotions deep down, they just don't surface very often.
    • WATSON
      • is and ex war doctor who got shot in the leg whilst in service and so he is now retired
        • because of his doctor/army background he is very concerned at the fact that Sherlock takes drugs as he knows the medical implications and the negative effects of the drugs, 'which is it today? morphine or cocaine?' shows he is aware of Sherlock's addiction. he is quite sarcastic when referencing to the drugs because he doesn't like the fecat that Sherlock takes them because he know that they can kiil him, he is looking out for his friend and concerned about his health.
      • Watsons purpose in the novel is to provide a contrast to Sherlock
        • this is shown with their different motives in the case. Sherlock is purely doing the case to stimulate his brain because he likes the excitement and the mystery behind it whereas Watson's motive is Mary Morstan as he has developed an emotional connection and has feelings for her. Also Watson noticed Marys beauty and elegance as soon as she walked into the room whereas Sherlock was completely focussed on the case and didn't even notice Marys looks or manner.
      • adds human feelings to the narrative which helps the reader connect with the characters emotions more. helps the reader understand whats going on in Sherlocks mind and how he solves the case as he's always two steps ahead of the reader
      • provides insight into the nature of Victorian society
        • shown with how he treats Miss Morstan in a patronising way and is very protective of her as he thinks that she couldn't possible take care of herself because there is lots of danger in the world and so because he is the man he needs to look after the woman. these ideas are very different to how it is now in the modern society as now men and women are a lot more equal
      • his affection with Mary is the sub plot.
      • appears early in the novel. receives gifts from and unknown source
      • her and Watson are the romantic subplot
        • romantic sub plot helps Victorian readers connect with the story especially the women who would've been reading the novel, makes them think that they too can have a relationship like Mary and Watsons.
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woooww...thnx  for this

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