The Second Barons' war

  • Created by: dav09
  • Created on: 09-12-20 21:35
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  • Second Barons' war
    • Henry gained the support of those barons who didn't like Simon de Montfort and the Provisions of Oxford.
    • Henry wrote to the Pope and asked for his permission to cancel the provisions.
    • In 1261 the Pope agreed, so Henry appointed his men to the Great Council. Henry was back in charge.
    • The Parliament of 1265 and the first 'Commons'
      • 1. Simon de Montfort created a council of nine of his closest friends and allies.
        • 2. He reconfirmed Magna Carta and the Provisions of Oxford.
          • 3. Barons started to worry that he had become too powerful
      • 2. He reconfirmed Magna Carta and the Provisions of Oxford.
        • 3. Barons started to worry that he had become too powerful
      • 4. In 1265 Montfort called a meeting of the Great council inviting rich merchants (the burgesses) and knights
        • 5. This meant he had now secured support from ordinary people - the burgesses of the towns - who were sometimes referred to as 'commoners'
          • 6. This group later because known as the Commons, in the early form of parliament. This developed democracy in England and would help pave the way for all groups to have a voice.
      • 5. This meant he had now secured support from ordinary people - the burgesses of the towns - who were sometimes referred to as 'commoners'
        • 6. This group later because known as the Commons, in the early form of parliament. This developed democracy in England and would help pave the way for all groups to have a voice.
    • The Battle of Evesham
      • 1. The baron started to get concerned that Montfort was becoming an autocrat so they put their support behind Henry.
      • 2. Prince Edward had had been released from prison  and raised an army.
      • 3, They were out to get Montfort. On 4 Aug 1265 at Battle of Evesham Montfort fell from his horse. and he killed sent around the country.


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