The role of chromosomes and hormones in sex and gender

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  • The role of chromosomes and hormones
    • Role of chromosomes
      • each person has 23 pairs of chromosomes
        • sex chromosome XY = male, ** = female
          • **: development of ovaries, uterus and vagina
          • XY: androgens - development of testes - testosterone - development of penis - changes to brain occur
            • testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands in both sexes - more testosterone in males causes genitalia to develop
          • every foetus first develops female external genitalia until when the foetus is 3 months old, the external and internal genitalia differentiate
      • Atypical sex chromosome patterns
        • Klinefelter's Syndrome
          • the male has an extra X chromosome (**Y)
            • affects 1/1000 males
              • reduced testosterone - often infertile
          • lass facial hair, broader hips, lower IQ than siblings, tall stature, poor muscles tone, reduced secondary sexual characteristics, breasts, small testes
        • Turner's Syndrome
          • females are missing an X chromosome (XO)
            • affects 1/2000 women
            • lack of monthly periods as ovaries have not developed properly, short stature, often infertile
    • Role of hormones
      • CAIS: Complete Androgen Insensitivity syndrome
        • inherited condition where babies with male sex chromosomes develop into girls due to the body's intolerance to androgens
      • Testosterone
        • Berenbaum and Bailey (2003) - ** females exposed prenatally to relatively large doses of testosterone showed more tomboyish behaviour and greater interest in male-type activities
        • testosterone during puberty is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair and deepening voice
      • Oestrogen
        • Shi et al (2005) suggested oestrogen may lead to smaller brain size
        • responsible for secondary sexual characteristics such as breast development, and directing menstrual cycle (increasing blood supply to the uterus in preparation for pregnancy and maintaining it during pregnancy)
      • Oxytocin
        • promotes feelings of bonding and contentment & causes milk to flow in lactating mother
        • produced in the pituitary glad
        • dampens the effect of testosterone in males
    • Evaluation
      • Case Study: David Reimer
        • Bruce & Brian - twins - both born male (XY). Bruce's penis was burnt off at 7 months old during a circumcision. His parents raised him as 'Brenda', with the help of Dr Money. They gave him girls toys etc. however, Bruce felt more like a boy and wanted to play with boys toys etc.
          • supports the biological factors as Bruce still identified as a male as the hormones and chromosomes were very influential
          • however, it is not strong evidence as there are other factors that can be taken into consideration - he had a twin brother which he can be a model for how boys should act
          • the sample is too small so this evidence cannot be generalised to the whole population
      • Young (1966)
        • gave male hormones to female rats vice versa. - this caused a reversal of the usual gender-related behaviours
          • Untitled


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