USA: The Roaring 20's, Consumerism + Entertainment

All these mindmaps are segmented into different topics 

I printed mine on A3 paper as i found it v difficult to use online and A4 was wayyy too small making the bubbles unreadable 

Beware of the typos I was too lazy to fix them whoops 

Enjoy the revison :)

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  • Roaring 20's, Consumerism, Women,  Entertainment + Intolerance
    • Wealth
      • people had more money to spend from the manufacturing boom
      • helped the economy to keep expanding
    • Novelty
      • became fashionable
      • new kinds of music like Jazz
      • new dances to fit with the new styles of music eg Charleston
      • new consumer goods like radios + fridges were made cheap enough for many Americans to be able to buy
    • Consumerism
      • urge to spend money on goods and services
      • people bought more goods and spent more on leisure as they had more money and spare time
      • working hours dropped after the war + most wages rose - at the same time most prices fell
      • new industries produced new goods for people to spend their money on
    • Mobility
      • increased more as more people could afford cars
      • people could work further from home
      • new jobs such as travelling salesmen, relied on cars
      • more people had the spare time to 'motor' for pleasure and create a new web of jobs such as garages, petrol stations, motels and diners
        • expanding road system to accommodate mobility
      • people could move states + there was less reliance on the nearest town for supplies + entertainment in rural areas
    • Leissure
      • people had more free time + more money to spend during their free time
      • leissure industry expanded
      • more people watched, listened to the radio and played sport
    • Changing Morals + Values
      • many law-abiding people broke the law for the first time during Prohibition
      • some felt it was immoral for young women to break away from the conventional role of women
      • the pace of change in small rural towns was much slower than in cities
    • The Jazz Age
      • jazz music swept from South to North as black people moved to NY, Detroit, Chicago
      • wild music + wild dances
        • too sexual
      • symbolised new era of freedom
      • record industry = sold jazz records
    • Advertising
      • billboards, newspapers, radios + magazines urged people to spend their money
      • used pictures to show a desirable lifestyle
      • they applied pressure by suggesting that by not buying these products the consumer was in some way letting down his family
      • idea of 'keeping up with the neighbours'
      • by 1925 2,700,000 families had a radio = powerful tool for advertisers
      • 10 million radios = sold by 1929
        • brought people in rural areas news + info + music
    • Movies
      • Holywood = centre for making movies
      • no sound + producers hired organs or pianists to play suitable music along side the film
      • 1922 - $4 million a week in ticket sales
      • the average national wage was $13 a week but famous stars like Mary Pickford was paid $10,000
      • wild lives of some film stars gave critics more ammunition
      • 1930 - Hays Code = published - set down rules for movies to make sure 'no picture shall be produced that will lower the moral standards of those who see it'
    • Talkies (1927)
      • caused chaos as some famous film star didn't have good speaking voices - carries ended as audiences laughed when they spoke
      • speech to go with the images on screen
      • women drank, smoked and kissed before marriage = encouraging immoral actions
      • movies showed crime = immoral
    • Effects of the War on Women
      • before women were struggling for suffrage
      • but when USA entered war, gov. asked women to take the place of mens jobs who had gone to war
      • experience of independence + earning wages + being capable of doing what men did
      • 1918 -  President Wilson urged Senate to pass a federal law giving women equal voting right 'we have made partners of the women in this war'
      • 19th Amendment to the US Constitution gave woman equal suffrage (18th Aug 1920)
      • after war, women were expected to return to let returning men have their jobs back, or give them up once they were married
      • 1910 number of white collar female workers = 1,943 but by 1930 it 4,756
    • Flappers
      • did not depend on men + changed attitudes to women
      • had bobs, didn't wear traditional clothing + wore more revealing clothes, wore make-up, drank + smoke
      • many eventually married but then had to change their behaviour + give up their job to look after household + husband
      • some took advantage of all the household gadgets to live a labour-saving life, to continue working  (eg vacuum)
    • Intolerance
      • USA  withdrew into isolation after WW1 and many were intolerant of people whos race, politics or religion were different from their own
      • groups feared immorality + the abandonment of social respectability from movies, music + new freedom
      • mainly from older people, religious individuals
      • Some states tried to control immoral behaviours e.g Ohio = law on length dress
      • fundamentalist church groups  objected to any teaching that conflicted with the truth of the Bible = evolution
    • The 'Monkey Trial'
      • conservative politician, William Bryan campaigned  to ban teaching of evolution in schools - he poked fun at the theory saying we were connected to monkeys
        • 1925 - law in Tennessee that banned teaching of anything that contradicted Bibles Creation Story
      • John Scopes deliberately taught evolution so there would be a court case to test whether the law was allowable under the Constitution
      • case was broadcast + very popular
      • defence said state law = against Constitution so should be overrulrd
      • judge was against defence, even after they get someone to test eh validity of Creation Story
      • judge said trial was not against the state law, but whether he broke the law, which he did = guilty  = $100
      • Tennessee law was not repealed until 1967


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