The Prelude- form and structure

  • Created by: sky1234
  • Created on: 28-10-18 13:57
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  • Extract from, The Prelude - Form and Structure
    • Structure
      • the enjambment-"and stepping in pushed from the shore" enacts boat being pushed
      • this extract is a first person narrative. it sounds personal and describes a turning point in the poets life. The regular rhythm makes it sound like a natural speech
      • "no familiar shapes remained, no pleasant images of trees,"
        • these fractured sentences reflect the narrators feelings of confusion as he struggles to make sense of his experience demonstrating the powerful effect that nature has had on him.
      • "and troubled pleasure, nor without the voice"
        • the caesura shows the fracture in man and natures relationship
      • the poem can be divided into 3 parts. the first part shows the poets happiness where he seems to be enjoying nature. he second part darker where we can see the poet getting scared of nature which is seen as a predator. in the last part the poem focuses on the poets experience and how it has changed his life forever
    • Form
      • blank verse - verse with a regular metre but not rhyme
        • builds up tension and anxiety in reader, demonstrating the same feelings as Wordsworth is experiencing in the poem.
      • lack of rhyme- lack of harmony between man and nature. fractured relationship between man and nature is mirrored by lack of rhyme
      • romanticism- a school of thinking which believed in restoring the balance between man and nature.
      • the regular rhythm makes it sound like a natural speech.
      • no stanzas shows the continuity of the power of nature over human. it also shows his fear.
      • One stanza - creates the impression of one continous movement, like the water in the lake.
      • the poem is written in one whole stanza, creating an almost stream-conscious effect, as his complex feelings towards nature seamlessly(smoothly) merge together


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