The Power Struggle.

  • Created by: georgiarp
  • Created on: 31-05-18 23:46
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  • The Power Struggle.
    • Lenin's Testament
      • A letter made by Lenin that was meant to be read out after his death at the Party congress
      • An assessment of his colleagues showing their true colours and their faults which he tried to expose
    • Stalin
      • Was very centred, would not chose whether he was left or right until he saw who was winning
      • He was feared by many as he was known to be violent and crude
      • He was a new Bolshevik, so many thought that it would be easy to simply overstate him when they felt they could, they were wrong many Old Bolsheviks underestimated him
      • He only played a minor role in the Rev of 1917, unlike other contenders like Trotsky, which mean he had no experience to back himself
    • Trotsky
      • +Played major roles in the Civil War and the 1917 Revolution, people were always very impressed with his skills
      • +A brilliant intellectual and theorist, who was inspiring in his speeches
      • +Great organisational, political and authoritarian skills
      • -He was prone to sudden illnesses, so fell ill at critical moments
      • -Many old Bolsheviks were weary of him, they feared that he would use his Red Army to seize control of power
      • -He was arrogant and was rude to those who he thought were less clever than himself
      • He could be indecisive and made serious errors of judgement, as shown when attacking the Party bureaucracy in 1924
    • Kamenev
      • + a skilful politician and good with people, he was closely linked to Zinoviev and the 2 acted as a partnership.
      • +When Lenin became ill, he trusted Kamenev with many of his personal papers
      • +He had a strong power base in Moscow, where he ran the local party.
      • + He was able to smooth out difficulties and had the ability to get things done
      • -He gained a rep for inconsistency by switching alliances between Stalin and Trotsky
      • -He was too soft and lacked the drive to be a leader, he seriously underestimated Stalin
    • Zinoviev
      • +One of the parties best speechmakers, as an Old Bolshevik many people gave him respect for his contribution to the Rev
      • Lenin called him his "closest and most trusted assistant"
      • +His role as party boss in Leningrad gave him a strong political base
      • -He opposed Lenin at the time of the Bolshevik Coup, which was always held against him
      • -He seriously underestimated Stalin, he and Kamenev left it too late before switching their support to Trotsky
    • Bukharin
      • +He was both impressive and likeable, a brilliant intellectual and theoretician.
      • +Lenin called him the darling of the party
      • -He could be naive and lack the capacity of a leader
      • +He was popular and close to Lenin, he was friends with Trotsky but also a close associate of Stalin
      • -He had no power base as he tried to maintain good relations with everyone
      • -He underestimated Stalin and made tactical mistakes, he made an alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev too late.
    • Rykov
      • -Although he was close to Lenin he often disagreed with him and the radicals
      • +he was widely respected for his experience since the early days of the rev
      • +He managed the switch to the NEP from War communism
      • -He was overshadowed by Bukharin and his greater abilities
      • -He placed a tax on Vodka which caused great opposition
      • He underestimated stalin and worked too late
    • Tomsky
      • +a long associate with the Trade Unions, His role as chief spokesman for TU gave him a strong political power base.
      • +He was a natural ally for other leaders
      • -His intense hostility towards Trotsky blinded him to the danger of Stalin
      • -His power base in the TU made him the perfect target for stalin
      • -His NEP support was used against him in the 1927 Grain crisis


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