The new right

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  • New right theory
    • associated with ideas, including culture of poverty and dependency, the underclass, the marketisatioinof education, traditional moral standards, welfare reform and the importance of the family traditional gender roles
    • The underclass
      • Connects underclass with welfare system and says it removes individuals responsibility and encourage irresponsible and antisocial behaviour
      • A group of people at the very bottom of the social scale who are dependent on welfare benefits
      • Charles Murry believes it contains poor people, who behave badly, and are. unwilling to take Jons that are available to them and commit crimes.
      • Children from unstable homes are more likely to become involved in antisocial behaviour + less likely to lead productive + successful lives
      • 1980-1990 increased no. illegitimate births in underclass
      • CM argues: sees the running of society as supporting traditional nuclear families being monogamously married and socialising children effectively. he doesn't support cohabiting parents
      • Criticism: It's based on sweeping generalisation, inadequate research and a misunderstanding of the very conventional attitudes of those who claim benefits or who become lone parents
    • sees society as being very traditional and conservative (right wing, take care of themselves + make and keep money)
    • Key ideas
      • Support for a distinctive cultural identity based on the nation state
      • An emphasis on competition and choice as a way of driving up standards in public services such as health care and education
      • A distrust of 'experts' and the 'establishment'
      • A strong support for free enterprise (market capitalism), private business in a competitive market
      • Reduced state provision of welfare benefits
      • An emphasis on the individual rather than the group
    • The culture of poverty
      • Marital relationships were often unstable with high levels of child abandonment+ divorce. They were also unlikely to participate in the wider community (like joining unions/ political parties
        • Criticism Existence of stable family lives among the poor people + relatively high levels. of community participation.Many argue that factors like age, education, health and. Disability is far more important (when explaining why some stay poor)
      • Oscur Lewis believed: the culture of poverty amounted to a 'design for living' which was passed from on generations to the next
      • He found that the poor felt helpless to change the direction of their lives instead focused only on the present


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