The Nervous System

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  • The Nervous System
    • The nervous system reacts to stimuli and coordinates behaviour. The nervous system is made up of different parts
    • Effectors and Receptors
      • Effectors respond to electrical impulses and bring about a change. Muscles and glands are effectors. They respond in different ways- muscles contract and glands release hormones.
      • Receptors are the cells that detect stimuli. Different receptors detect different stimuli. For example, receptors in the ears detect sound.
    • Central Nervous System (CNS): This consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The CNS is connected to the body by sensory neurones and motor neurones.
      • The CNS is a coordination centre. It receives information from the receptors and then coordinates a response. The response is carried out by effectors.
        • Stimulus Receptor-- Sensory Neurone-- CNS--      Motor Neurone-- Effector-- Response--
    • Sensory and Motor Neurones
      • Motor Neurones: These carry electrical impulses from the CNS to the effectors.


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