The Nazi rise to power

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  • The Nazi rise.
    • The German Worker's party.
      • A nationalist party.
      • Hitler joined in 1919 (when he was still in the army) and became well known for his confidence when speaking.
      • Renamed 'The National Socialist German Workers' in 1921 when Hitler became the leader.
      • In 1919 the party had 60 members but by 1920 it had around 2000.
    • Appeal to the public.
      • The party appealed to many groups of people which gained it more support than it's oppositions.
      • It opposed the Treaty of Versailles.
      • It was anti-communist and anti-Jewish.
      • It wanted to raise pensions and improve healthcare/ education but only for Germans.
    • The Munich Putsch.
      • In 1923 the Weimar were weak so Hitler thought it was a good opportunity to make a move against them.
      • Hitler's soldiers occupied a beer hall in Munich and the next morning the marched behind Hitler.
      • News of the putsch had been leaked to the police so it came to a very quick end.
      • Hitler was imprisoned for his role.
    • The Great Depression.
      • When America went into economic crisis and called back the money it had loaned to other countries it caused problems for their economies.
      • It made wealthy business men support the party because they promised economic prosperity.
    • Impressions.
      • The SA gave the party an organised, disciplined feel which attracted people towards them.
      • Their propaganda was effective because it was targeted at specific people about specific issues.
      • Hitler's personality attracted people because he was a strong, confident speaker.
    • The Reichstag.
      • In 1932 the Nazi Party had more seats than anyone else so Hitler demanded to be chancellor.
      • Hindenurg didn't trust him so he wouldn't allow it.
      • Hitler made a deal with another politician who persuaded Hindenburg to give Hitler the role.
    • The final steps.
      • Hitler called another election after becoming Chancellor to gain more seats.
      • The Night of the Long Knives was when Hitler sent for the leaders of the SA to be killed because he felt threatened by them. He also had some other influential Nazi leaders killed because he felt threatened.
      • When Hindenburg died in 1934 Hitler named himself Chancellor, President and Chief-in-state of the Army. He was known as Der Fuhrer.


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