The Mole and Equations

  • Created by: India.02
  • Created on: 27-04-19 19:18
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  • The Mole and Equations
    • Reactants Used Up
      • When magnesium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid, bubbles of gas are produced
      • The reaction stops when one of the reactants has been used up - any other reactants are in excess
        • Usually in excess to make sure that the other reactant gets used up
      • Reactant that is used up is called the limiting reactant - because it limits the amount of product formed
      • The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the amount of limiting reactant - if you half the limiting reactant then you half the products
      • If you add more reactant then there are more reactant particles to take part in the reaction - more product particles
    • One Mole of Gas
      • At the same temperature and pressure, equal numbers of moles of any gas will occupy the same volume
      • At 20 degrees celsius and 1 atm, one mole of any gas occupies 24dm*3
        • Volume of gas
    • Amount of Product
      • 1. Write out balanced equation - work out relative formula masses of reactant and product that you want - find how many moles there are of the substance you know the mass of
      • 2. Use balanced equation to work out how many moles there will be of the other substance - use number of moles to calculate mass
    • Balanced Equations
      • Big numbers in front of the chemical formulas tell you how many moles there are of each substance
      • Little numbers show how many atoms of each element are in the substance
      • If you know the masses of the reactants and the products, you can work out the balanced equation
        • 1. Divide mass of each substance by it's relative formula mass to find number of moles - divide number of moles of each substance by the smallest number of moles in the reaction
        • 2. if any of the numbers aren't whole numbers, multiply them all by the same number so that they all become whole numbers - write the balanced symbol equation


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