The Mental Health Act 1983

  • Created by: SarahE96
  • Created on: 05-05-16 11:31
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  • The Mental Health Act 1983
    • Purpose
      • This act was put in place in order to protect the rights of those suffering from any form of mental illness. 
      • This act provides a legal framework for the care and treatment of people suffering from a mental illness. 
      • People who are experiencing a mental illness are very vulnerable and may not be in a position to make a decision that are in their best interest. 
        • This act attempts to provide a balance of care and control, while also protecting the rights of vulnerable group.
    • Sectioning
      • While the majority of individuals are informal mental health patients,15% of patients are formal, meaning they have been sectioned under the mental health act
      • Patients who have been sectioned under the mental health act do not hold the same rights as informal patients, meaning they are unable to leave the facility alone or without permission from a doctor/psychologist. 
    • Provisions put in place for formal patients
      • The sectioning process can only be carried out by qualified psychiatrists, or in limited circumstances by a registered Mental Health Nurse,
      • Limits to the length of time that a person can be detained, and provides individuals who are detained with the rights to appeal.
      • People who wish to appeal against their sectioning can apply for a hearing of their case to the Mental Health Review Tribunal. 


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