The Indians of the East and the Defeat and Dispossession

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  • The Indians of the East
    • Tribes known as Iroquois and Miami, knew that the British had agreed not to expand their American colonies into Indian lands.
    • During the American War of Independence , Indian Tribes that lived in the lands to the Northwest of the original colonies supported the British side.
    • However, British lost the War. As part of the Peace Treaty they handed 230 million acres of Indian lands.
    • The Indians were extremely angry that there land was given away by the British.
    • Frontiersmen set up farms in the Indian-held land West of Virginia and the Carolinas even before the War of Independence
    • No help, settlers attacked the Indians themselves, leading to a bloody conflict between the 2 sides.
    • Frontiersmen had set up farms on Indian lands, they begged the government help to defend them against Indian attacks.
  • Defeat and Dispossession
    • 1794 Indians were defeated at The Battle of Fallen Timbers.
    • Washington put 80% of his Government budget into a huge campaign against the Indians.
    • The Indians had occupied this and moved further West into regions that were often already inhabited by other Indian tribes. this created conflict between the Indians.
    • In the Southern West territory the new states of Kentucky, Tennessee. Mississippi and Alabama were added by 1819.
    • Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan were formed between 1803-1837
    • The different areas of land became full states and joined the union.
    • George Washington thought the Indians were going to attack the USA with the Brits.
    • Allowed USA  to take vast areas of the Northwest terri-tory under its control and even more settlers moved there.
      • This is called the Treaty of Greenville.


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