6.1 - Idea of equilibrium

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  • The Idea Of Equilibria (6.1)
    • An Equilibrium Mixture
      • This is the mixture than contains an equal and constant amount of products and reactants.
      • One way of getting an equilibrium mixture is by letting a reaction take place in a closed container, Then as soon as the products are formed, they react together to form more reactants
    • The Conditions of Equilibrium
      • Equilibrium can be approached from either side of a reversible reaction as long as conditions , such as temperature and pressure remain constant.
      • Equilibrium happens when concentration of the solutions, density, colour and pressure remain constant.
    • Chemical Equilibria
      • The point where exactly the same amount of particles are changing from A+B to C+D are being produced.
  • Equilibrium can only be reached if it takes place in a closed system or space. this means that products and reactants cannot escape.
    • Equilibrium in a beaker can be reached under a closed system as long as the reaction in the solvent doesn't happen under high enough temperatures for the products and reactants to evaporate.
    • The Conditions of Equilibrium
      • Equilibrium can be approached from either side of a reversible reaction as long as conditions , such as temperature and pressure remain constant.
      • Equilibrium happens when concentration of the solutions, density, colour and pressure remain constant.


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