the Great Gatsby Chapter 1

  • Created by: macks
  • Created on: 30-03-16 16:35
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  • the Great Gatsby Chapter 1
    • summary
      • 1924, Nick Carraway returned to the Midwest.
      • he sets up the tone of the importance of origins and how that was influential in the society of the 1920's.
        • Duke of Buccleuch
        • as well as the importance of war and how ironicly, when it torr families apart, it seem to bring Gatsby and Nick together.
      • The audience finds out that Nick fought in the 1st world war.
      • Once in New York, Nick moved into the presprous and rich area of West Area, where his neighbour was the enigmatic Mr Gatsby
      • Nick goes and has tea with his old college friend: Tom and his wife Daisy.
      • introduces the idea of the changing social classes, in which Black people are becoming a new demographic and new rising infleuce on American society.
      • The audience becomes aware of Tom having an affair in "Brontz."
    • The importance of location
      • The Mid west
        • perceived as an area of empty space a blank canvas.
          • Where Americans are able to start their new lives as it was a literal American dream.
        • Already by 1920,only the eastern seabords have been preoperly populated wherease the heart of the country hasn't.
        • the west had become a symbol of hope , rebirth and unlimited potential to realise your dream.
      • New York and major cities during the 1920's were booming and it was often where they can have economic successs.
        • The idea of the west egg, holds the idea of the hope and possibility.
        • East egg seems to create an idea of establishment which the east egg was perceived as old money.
        • the east coast American for many European settlers, America was alwsasy perceived as a fresh start
      • The Valley of Ashes, iswhere the American dream went to waste. Where the American dream seem to not work on George Wilson as he was not rewarded and got better by his work.
        • T.S Elliot "The Waste Land."
        • Similarly, this is where they go when bad things begin to occour: The death of Mytrle.
        • The on looking eyes of T.G Eckleburg.
        • Similarly, occoured when it was really hot where tension rose high.
      • The Bronx
        • Where We find out about Tom's affairs.
    • Context
      • Still deeply affected by the country's experience of WW1
      • However through the expansion of the economy, soon consumerism took over.
      • The emphasise on spending money and having fun seem to become infamously: The roaring Twenties.
        • However through the expansion of the economy, soon consumerism took over.
      • 1919, the law of Proibition became part of the American life.
        • Many brothels and bootleggers supplied alcohol to speakeasies
    • Themes/ motif's introduced
      • The idea of Glamour?
        • Who would be considered as glamorous
          • Celebrities (Jordan Baker)
          • socialites (Daisy and Tom)
          • Nick isn't glamorous yet, he experiences luxury, privileged and a lifestyle of the rich.
            • Nick as a narrator?
              • subject to mermory as he is looking back from the future, therefore some memories could be false or unlike it really was.
              • We only get one pov, instead of others therefore we are very bias.
              • He gives very detailed of events, through theuse of descritpions o which reflect the mood of the event.
              • views of the author rather than the views of the nar
              • unreliable narrator.
                • subject to mermory as he is looking back from the future, therefore some memories could be false or unlike it really was.
          • 'Mr no one from nowhere." Jay Gatsby
        • What makes someone 'glamorous'
          • The amount of income they have
          • What they spend their disposabal income on.
          • The perception of someone by another
          • The personality or attitude or someone
        • what is the life like for these people
          • it would be unhappy as they would have all these items but never any friends or strong relationships.
          • Similarly, they would propery be self conceited and selfish which prevent their ability to make friends.
      • "Reserve al judgments
        • Follows the structure of a police inquest following Gatsby's death. The structure of chapters are documenting the events leading up to Gatsby's death, like the police would when recording the event.
          • Which makes the final two chapters make sense and why the previous chapters were all in retrospect.
      • orgins in Europe.
        • Nick "The Duke of Buccleugh" The importance of establishment and being able to pinpoint was cultural important to society in the 1920's.
        • jay Gatsby, became established by his valour in the war.
          • He rose to the rank of Major, and subsquenlty got accountability and  status.
          • Was war seen as a new way to gain status in society, istead of the use of money they seek glory and fame through their percpitation in the a war.
        • Daisy and Tom's time in Europe, was common during the time, following the end of the war.
          • Ernest Hemmingway "The sun also rises."
      • Invisble force that acts on all of them .
        • the younger was a stranger to me if she was balancing something which was quite likely
        • Tom shut the rear widow and the wind caught, died out of the room and the two girls slowly ballooned to the floor.
        • the green light offers Gatsby a suitable inaccessibly focus for his yearning ..something to give definition to desire while indentifying consummation.
        • "he stretched out his arms towards the dark water in a curious way ... disguised nothing except a single green light.'
        • Gatsby came to orient his life around the green light.
        • the fragile magic of the game dependednt on keeping the green blall in the air.
          • reminder of the uneluctable gravity that pulls things back to the earth.
      • Old money
        • Old money seemed to be found in East egg.
        • Daisy and Tom are symbolic of the old culture, where they married the rich for financial security.
        • inherited wealth from previous generation.
        • conservative with their showing off their assets.
        • has social guidelines to who they can marry and must be from a certain acalibre.
      • American flag colours.
        • A story of innocence, valour and judgement. Following the structure of the narrative of the novel.
        • Innocence being when Gatsby and daisy first meet.
        • Valour coming after Gatsby's time in the 1st world war.
        • Judgment coming after George goes mad and seeks out to kill his wife's adultrter.
          • As well as When Gatsby's image starts to fall apart.
    • Character's first impressions
      • Women are still consider their security in form of income when marrying: Daisy choose security over her happiness.
        • the first chapter, the audience is made to feel as if we are under Daisy's spell.
          • Daisy's name in old English would mean "Fairy."
            • The men in the scene all seemed to be transcipted by her beauty and her actions, as they seem to be marvelling or captivated in her presence.
            • "it was a kind of voice that the ear follows up and down."
          • "looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see.
        • Jordan Baker
          • She's a golfer.
          • Part of the new money idea.
          • Over exuberates her poins and dramatics it, therefore showing how she could be a dramatic person.
            • "I've been sitting here as long as I can remember."
          • She could be thought as a flapper.
          • Character's first impressions
            • Women are still consider their security in form of income when marrying: Daisy choose security over her happiness.
              • the first chapter, the audience is made to feel as if we are under Daisy's spell.
                • Daisy's name in old English would mean "Fairy."
                  • The men in the scene all seemed to be transcipted by her beauty and her actions, as they seem to be marvelling or captivated in her presence.
                  • "it was a kind of voice that the ear follows up and down."
                • "looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see.
              • Jordan Baker
                • She's a golfer.
                • Part of the new money idea.
                • Over exuberates her poins and dramatics it, therefore showing how she could be a dramatic person.
                  • "I've been sitting here as long as I can remember."
                • She could be thought as a flapper.
            • Nick
              • He seems to be controlled by the others in this scene, hardly very interactive.
              • He is the audience's insight into the scene, he allows us to see what was happening on this very day.
              • He attempts to find  his roots in the sense that he tries to find his way in new York society.
              • Admires his parents, as he has taken their advice, could show how maybe parents generation or parents in general have a large influence on the next generations.
                • Old money.
            • Tom
              • Polo player
              • Has married Daisy.
              • is very controlling and dominant He turned me around again, politly and abruptly "We'll go inside."
      • Nick
        • He seems to be controlled by the others in this scene, hardly very interactive.
        • He is the audience's insight into the scene, he allows us to see what was happening on this very day.
        • He attempts to find  his roots in the sense that he tries to find his way in new York society.
        • Admires his parents, as he has taken their advice, could show how maybe parents generation or parents in general have a large influence on the next generations.
          • Old money.
      • Tom
        • Polo player
        • Has married Daisy.
        • is very controlling and dominant He turned me around again, politly and abruptly "We'll go inside."
    • Nick as a narrator?
      • We only get one pov, instead of others therefore we are very bias.
      • He gives very detailed of events, through theuse of descritpions o which reflect the mood of the event.
      • views of the author rather than the views of the nar
      • unreliable narrator.


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