The French Revolutionary Wars

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  • The French Revolutionary Wars
    • The French Revolution
      • In 1789 the French Revolution overturned a system that had lasted hundreds of years.
      • Lots of the poor in France were angry with the King for introducing large taxes and not improving their living conditions.
      • The middle classes were angry about their lack of rights.
      • The nobles felt the King had taken some of their power and he was now trying to tax them as well.
      • A revolution took place which involved riots where rich houses were attacked.
      • The King's Prison, the Bastille, was stormed and destroyed in 1789.
      • In 1793, the King was executed and the monarchy abolished. France became a republic.
      • The French Revolution horrified European monarchs who were concerned they would face revolution. However, this threat eventually came from France itself.
    • France and Europe
      • The new French republic were concerned that other European nations would try and restore the monarchy.
      • France ended up going to war with most of Europe to avoid any interference in the Republic.
      • In April 1792, France declared war on Austria. Prussia joined forces with Austria.
      • In September 1792, France invaded Germany.
      • In February 1793, France declared war on Britain and Holland.
      • In March 1793, France declared war on Spain.
      • In June 1974, France took Belgium.
    • The Napoleonic Wars
      • By 1798, Britain was the only country still at war with France.
      • Napoleon, the French commander, crowned himself Emperor in 1804.
      • Napoleon made France very powerful and created a French Empire across Europe.
      • Napoleon's Grand Army once consisted of over half a million soldiers from all over Europe.
      • France controlled parts of Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Portugal and other countries.
      • Napoleon wanted to add Britain to his Empire.
    • The Battle of Trafalgar
      • Admiral Nelson led the British Navy, he had fought Napoleon many times.
      • By September 1805, Napoleon had a French and Spanish fleet at Cadiz which was the perfect spot to attack the British navy.
      • Nelson set sail for Cadiz and met the French near the Cape of Trafalgar. nelson managed to destroy Napoleon's forces but was shot in the chest and died.
      • The Battle of Trafalgar showed Napoleon that he could not defeat the British navy. He started planning other ways to attack Britain.
    • The Battle of Waterloo
      • In 1814, after a failed campaign in Russia and with many opponents across Europe, Napoleon gave up his rule and was exiled.
      • Napoleon escaped his guards in 1815 and returned to Europe. When he arrived in Paris the new king fled and Napoleon took back control.
      • Napoleon tried to attack the British at Waterloo (Belgium).
      • Britain were led by the Duke of Wellington and had help from the Prussians.
      • Napoleon was defeated and exiled again. He died a recluse in 1821.


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