The end of life

  • Created by: 11pyoung
  • Created on: 04-04-16 13:29
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  • The end of life
    • Body and Soul
      • The soul is described as the non-physical part of a person while the body is the physical part
      • Christianity teaches that  all humans have an immortal soul.
        • It is a part of them which odes not die when their physical body dies, but lives on and goes with them to the afterlife
      • Christians believe that  the soul is the 'breath of life' which God gave  to Adam
      • Christianity teaches that  when Eve picked the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, she introduced original sin into the world
      • Original sin is the way in which  humans are born with a lack of holiness  about them, and this is different from any actual sins that people commit themselves
        • Christianity teaches that  when Eve picked the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, she introduced original sin into the world
      • Original sin is cleansed when someone is baptised
        • Original sin is the way in which  humans are born with a lack of holiness  about them, and this is different from any actual sins that people commit themselves
        • Christian teaching about the importance of the crucifixion of Jesus is that Jesus, as part of the Trinity, was the son of God, God in human form
        • When Jesus died and was resurrected after three days, he atoned for the 'original sin' of Adam and Eve and overcame the power of death
          • In this way humans were forgiven their sins because Jesus' death, which he chose willingly, cleansed humanity which meant that people's immortal souls were now able to survive death and reach heaven
        • In this way humans were forgiven their sins because Jesus' death, which he chose willingly, cleansed humanity which meant that people's immortal souls were now able to survive death and reach heaven
        • Key texts
          • Genesis 1- God made humans in his image
          • Genesis 2- God gives Adam the 'breath of life'
          • Genesis 3- Adam and Eve eat the fruit from the Three of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
          • 1 Corinthians- Physical bodies and spirtual bodies, saved through Jesus
      • Life after death
        • Christian teaching is that one day Jesus will return to earth. This event is called 'Parousia' or 'second coming'.
          • God will judge everyone
        • Some Christians believe that  this judgement will take place as soon as someone dies, while others believe that there will be a Day of Judgement in the future
        • Christians believe those who have ignored the teachings of Jesus and the Bible will be sent to Hell where they will receive eternal punishment
        • Christians believe those who have accepted Jesus as their saviour and followed his teachings will go to heaven
          • Some Christians believe that  this judgement will take place as soon as someone dies, while others believe that there will be a Day of Judgement in the future
        • The Roman Catholic Church teaches that there is also another place called purgatory. People who have been good Christians but have still committed some sins go to purgatory where they are fully cleansed until they are in a state to go to heaven.
          • People can only go from purgatory to heaven, never from purgatory to hell
        • Key text
          • 1 Corinthians- teaching about the Day of Judgement
      • Beliefs about  heaven
        • Views of heaven  have over the centuries since the beginning  of Christianity.
          • In the medieval world heaven was described as a magical place with angels sitting on clouds and playing harps
          • These views are probably based on teachings found in the Old Testament such as Ezekiel's vision of the throne of God
        • Another view of heaven can be found  in the book of Revelation in the New Testament with the idea that thee will be no more suffering and God will rule the earth
        • One of the ideas about heaven is that when people arrive they will see the 'Beatific vision': this is the eternal and direct view  of God which gives people total happiness
        • Some Christians believe that the statement in the Apostles' Creed means that when people get to heaven they will be in t their physical bodies
        • Many Christians believe that heaven is something like a state of mind and is not a physical thing which can be described
        • Key texts
          • Ezekiel 1- the vision of God's throne
          • Revelation- God's throne in Heaven
          • Apostles' Creed- 'I believe in the resurrection of the body'
      • Beliefs about hell and purgatory
        • Original Christian teaching is that people who did not accept Jesus as their saviour and follow his teachings would be sent to hell
        • Hell was described as a place of torture with everlasting fires burning, although Christians today no longer believe this
        • Most Christians today would say that hell is a state of mind or that is the denial of the Beatific Visiion
        • Christian teachings has always been  that if people have had the  opportunity  to hear Jesus, and chosen not to accept and follow him, they cannot enter heaven
        • The Roman Catholic Church  teaches that heaven is not necessarily  closed to those who have never encountered Christianity
          • Christian teachings has always been  that if people have had the  opportunity  to hear Jesus, and chosen not to accept and follow him, they cannot enter heaven
        • The Roman Catholic Church  teaches that very few people are ready to go to heaven  when they die. Although they have lived good ;lives they are still  not free from sin
        • When they die these people go to purgatory  rather than to heaven. They stay here until their souls are ready for heaven.  People who go to purgatory all eventually go to heaven.
          • The Roman Catholic Church  teaches that very few people are ready to go to heaven  when they die. Although they have lived good ;lives they are still  not free from sin
        • Key texts
          • Matthew- the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
          • Luke- the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
      • Salvation, redemption and the suffering of Christ, and judgement
        • Two kinds of judgement
          • General judgement
            • God will pas his final sentence on the whole of humanity
          • Particular judgment
            • Judgement given to every soul when a person dies
        • Humans were forgiven their sins because of Jesus' death, which he chose willingly
          • People's souls could now survive death and go to heaven, people achieved redemption
        • Christians believe that they will be judged based on the concern they show to others
        • Christians believe they will receive salvation and redemption through devotion to Jesus
        • Roman Catholics, and some Anglicans, believe that people can help themselves lead better lives by confessing their sins to a priest  who will forgive them
        • Key texts
          • Matthew 16- Jesus promises Peter the keys of heaven
          • Matthew 25-The parable of the Sheep and  the Goats
          • Luke 16- The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
          • Luke 23- Jesus speaks to the criminals while he is on the cross
          • John 20- Forgiveness of sins
          • Romans 8- Paul explains that Jesus was sent to save people
          • Revelation 21- A new Jerusalem
      • Funeral rites
        • When a Christian is dying a Christian minister will try to visit them to help them prepare for their death
          • Confess their sins, or if Roman Catholic receive the sacrament know as the Anointing of the sick
        • The person is anointed with the Oil of Unction, which is consecrated every year by a bishop at the Chrism mass on Maundy Thursday
          • Confess their sins, or if Roman Catholic receive the sacrament know as the Anointing of the sick
        • Christian funeral services usually take place in a church and the body is either cremated or buried
        • The funeral service is opened with a  reading from the passage of John
        • At some services they may have a Requiem Mass
        • The church is decorated with white flowers to show the new life with God the person is entering
        • Candles are lit as a reminder that Jesus was the Light of the World
          • The rising smoke represents the person's soul or prayers for the person's soul rising to heaven
        • A gravestone is placed at the site
          • Contains details of persons life
          • Flowers placed on grave, particularly  at Christmas, Easter and on the date of the dead person's birthday
        • Key texts
          • Genesis 3- You will return to dust
          • John 8- Jesus as the Light of the World
          • John 11- 'I am the resurrection and the life'
          • James 5- Anointing of the sick


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