The cosmological argument

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  • The cosmological
    • Based on 3 things:
      • motion
        • Aquinas understood that things were moving and decided that there must have been something that began movement on earth, this being God, the prime mover.
      • Causality
        • Aquinas also understood that we all come from something, we can g back and back but nothing Contingent could become of itself or nothing, this is where we get God, God is the uncaused cause because he is not contingent. he is ex- nihilo.
    • Efficient causality:
      • we do not give ourselves the ability to move, something else gives us the possibility to move, this thing is God
    • The Kalam:
      • we could not have happened due to natural events because if the world didn't exist/ outside of the world there is no such thing as natural events.
      • fish in a pond would understand that their maker wasnt a bigger fish from outside the pong, we need to think of God like this because he is not some kind of superhuman
      • the universe itself could not be infinite because we can add days, which means we do not have a set value like infinity, there fore something must have caused it.
    • Russell and Coppleston:
      • during a debate: Coppleston stated that everything in the universe needed an explanation and cause other than God, God was different. (shot himself in the foot)
        • Russell argues back stating that the universe is "just a brute fact"
    • Hume:
      • Hume states that there is " too big a leap between Motion, Causality and Contingency.. and God.
    • Kant:
      • The idea that God has nesacary existance is incoherent and we should not be able to speculate about the existance of God because our Knowledge is limited.
    • Quantifier shift fallecy:
      • everything in the universe requires a cause, the universe itself requires a cause.
        • Hume rejects thins saying human race as a whole does not have a mother
    • Principle of sufficient reason:
      • everything must have a reason or a cause.
    • Taylors Balls:
      • if we saw huge balls in a forest we would assume that something put them there.
    • Anthropic principle:
      • the Garden would turn to chaos


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