The changing role of the media

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  • The changing role of the media
    • Traditionally
      • Report accurately on political events
      • Provide a commentary on political events and policies
      • Act as a check and scrutinise the government of the day
      • Investigate controversies and bring them to public attention
      • Educate the public on major issues and explain the potential impact of the various options available
      • Prove a forum for public debate and discussion, ad act as a bridge between the electorate and the elected
    • Criticisms of the changes to the role of the media
      • Press and online sources have become overly partisan - they mock and ridicule rather than provide informed debate
      • They have created a national mood of cynicism towards politics and politicians by their focus on scandal and corruption
      • The focus on leaders and personalities has turned politicians into celebrities, instead of focusing on their role as public servants with a job to do
      • The media have made entertainment out of politics
      • The focus on crises rather than concerns has led to sensationalism and helped create a negative public view of the world
      • The relentless pressure of 24 hours news means the media create stories and issues, giving minor issues more prominence than they warrant
      • The rise of online platforms has led to partisan and uninformed debate being presented as fact, causing parties and the mainstream media to lose control of the agenda
      • This has resulted in a more partisan, opinion-oriented and susceptible electorate who are more superficially aware, but lses engaged in the issues


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