Liberal era 1871-1879: the Army Budget

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  • The Army Budget (final area of liberal era)
    • 1867: both agreed that the military budget should remain at a fixed level outside the Reichstag control, until 1872.
      • Extended to 1984 due to legacy of the F.P War.
    • This allowed Bismarck to push for an army of over 400,000 that would come from federal expenditure
      • Liberals felt this would threaten the power of the Reichstag
      • The liberals also thought that taking money from the federal state for the army, was taking money away for the people
    • There was a conflict between the 2 but a compromise, the Septemnates was made.
      • However, the liberals were annoyed by this because the Reichstag didn't have power over the Army.
    • The Prussian army helped to unite the new state and felt they needed to be protected
      • Bismarck compromised with the Reichstag over this
        • Bismarck couldn't dissolve the Reichstag so he communicated the liberals in the Reichstag
          • This wasn't very democratic because the Reichstag could on;y have a say over the army every 7 years which was too long
          • It wasn't very democratic because Bismarck didn't actually give the Reichstag power when he said he would, and the Reichstag could not block him or the Kaiser.
            • This wasn't very democratic because the Reichstag could on;y have a say over the army every 7 years which was too long
    • The Reichstag didn't change the budget anyway


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