The Origins of the French Revolution (1774-89)

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 22-02-17 12:02
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  • The Origins of the French Revolution (1774-89)
    • The Ancien Regime: System of government before the revolution. After the revolution it became an insult as it now meant the "Old regime"
    • Absolutism:The head of the Ancien Regime was Louise XVI. Theoratically he was absolutist but in practice it didn't turn out that way. At his coronation, Louis swore an oath to God not his people.To be Absolutist means that there were no legal limits on his power over his people. But he was limited by these factors:
      • He took advice on important decisions from the Parlement.
      • He had ministers/ advisers from a pool of career administrators and courtiers.
      • He was bound by laws and the customs of France.
      • He needed consent from the noble elite population.
    • Louis XVI
      • Born in Versailles in 1754.
      • Became Dauphin following the deaths of his brother and father. He succeeded his grandfather in 74.
      • Well educated, fluent in English and Italian. Enjoyed hunting and the hobby of lock-making.
        • Georges Lefebvre: (1939) "he was far from being a great mind."
        • Paul Hanson: (2009) "more the victim of circumstanc than his own failings."
        • Peter Jones:(2010) "took an intelligent, if fluctuating interest in matters of government."
      • In 1770 he married Marie-Antoinette, daughter of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa. This wasn't what the French people wantted as Austria was blamed for France's defeat in the 7 Years War.
        • It took them roughly 8 years to have a child and 9 for a male heir.
    • Government
      • Consisted of the king, his advisers and ministers.
      • Based in the Palace of Versailles. (12 Miles from Paris)
      • Louis met each of the ministers indivually to discuss he work of their department. This meant Louis decided the overall direction of government policy. This created the problem of ministers and court factions working against each other.
        • Another problem was the variation of laws and customs across the departments in France.
          • France had no single representative body which could pass laws covering the whole country.
            • All Royal Legislation has to be ratified by one of the 13 regional parlements.
          • France was a patchwork of different legal systems, taxes and different rules on who paid them. There was no single solution to any problem.
    • Intendants
      • Previous Kings had attempted to create one system by splitting the country into 36 generalites or administrative areas each under the control of an intendant- royal official.
      • Responsible for carrying out government policy but they were hindered by local law courts and parlements and seen as overly authoritatrian.


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