All 3 Conference Agreements and Disagreements.

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  • The 3 conferences.
    • 1)The Teheran Conference, 1943.
      • DISAGREEMENTS:Stalin wanted to punish and severely weaken Germany with reparations but Churchill and Roosevelt wanted to rebuild Germany. Because of the Treaty of Versailles.
      • AGREEMENT: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the Soviet Union could have a 'sphere influence' in Eastern Europe.
      • Teheran Conference and Yalta Conference:  Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.
        • 2) The Yalta Conference, Feb 1945.
          • AGREEMENTGermany would be divided into four zones. these would be run by the USA, France, Britain and the USSR.Germany's capital city, Berlin would be divided into 4 zones.the countries of eastern Europe would be allowed to hold free elections to decide how they would be governed.The USSR would be join in the war against Japan in return for territory in Manchuria and Sakhalin Island.
          • DISAGREEMENTS:Nothing
    • 2) The Yalta Conference, Feb 1945.
      • AGREEMENTGermany would be divided into four zones. these would be run by the USA, France, Britain and the USSR.Germany's capital city, Berlin would be divided into 4 zones.the countries of eastern Europe would be allowed to hold free elections to decide how they would be governed.The USSR would be join in the war against Japan in return for territory in Manchuria and Sakhalin Island.
      • DISAGREEMENTS:Nothing
  • AGREEMENTthe Nazi Party was to be banned and its leaders would be tried as war criminals.The Oder-Neisse (two rivers) line was to form part of the border between Poland and Germany.
    • 3) The Potsdam Conference, July- August 1945
      • DISAGREEMENTS: Britain and the USA denied Stalin a naval base in the Mediterranean. Stalin wanted more reperations from GErmany than Britan and the USA did.STalin had set up a Communist government in Lublin, the capital of Poland.
      • The 3 conferences.
        • 1)The Teheran Conference, 1943.
          • DISAGREEMENTS:Stalin wanted to punish and severely weaken Germany with reparations but Churchill and Roosevelt wanted to rebuild Germany. Because of the Treaty of Versailles.
          • AGREEMENT: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the Soviet Union could have a 'sphere influence' in Eastern Europe.
          • Teheran Conference and Yalta Conference:  Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.
        • Potsdam Conference : Truman, Attlee, Stalin




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