The Ten Articles

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  • Ten Articles
    • The articles included only three sacraments
      • namely Baptism, penance and the eucharist
        • To deny the existence of 4 of the 7 sacraments was overtly protestant
          • continental reformers including Luther upheld only three sacraments in the belief that they were the only ones to be found in the New Testament
    • No mention was made of the remaining four, which wer confirmation ordination, marriage and extreme unction
      • Fpr evangelicals and reformers, doctrine and belief had to be grounded in scripture, as that was the only test of true validity
        • In losing four sacraments Cromwell had taken up a Lutherian stance, and on other matters, too, England seemed to be veering towards Lutheranism
    • The central catholic position on the Eucharist, transubstantiation was not mentioned by name although the real presence of Christ was reaffirmed
      • The Lutheran concept of justification by faith alone was outlined, but in a sufficiently moderate fashion as to make it acceptable to conservative clergy also.
        • Therefore, the official religion of England in 1536 was left ambiguous and unclear. It did not condemn the Mass nor the catholic call for good works in attaining salvation, but at the same time a deliberate emphasis was placed on the authority of scripture and on the merits of living a simple Christian existance


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