
  • Created by: charlia
  • Created on: 28-04-15 11:21
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  • Aquinas
    • Teleological Argument
      • Paley
        • Book: 'Natural Theology'
        • 2 parts: design qua purpose (the universe was designed to fulfil a purpose) and design qua regularity (the universe behaves according to some order)
        • Design qua purpose: Watch analogy. Just as the watch being designed necessitates a designer, all of nature requires a much greater designer. The example is the human eye.
      • Criticisms
        • J.S. Mill: in 'nature and utility of religion' he argues that nature is guilty of serious crimes for which she goes unpunished. Mill concludes that the world cannot have order and therefore there cannot be a designer/ God.
        • Darwin/  Dawkins: Natural selection shows that  apparent design is just a result of a natural process. Geneticist Steve Jones: 'it is a series of successful mistakes'
        • Hume: our world is more organic than it is mechanical, it's an unsound analogy. There could be a team of lesser Gods who created the universe.
          • The teleological argument implies an anthropocentric concept of God, which doesn't suggest perfection.
    • His 5th way is known as the teleological or design argument.
    • 1.Everything follows natural laws.
      • 2.If things follow natural laws they tend to have a goal or purpose.
        • 3. An unthinking thing can't have a goal or purpose unless directed by something else.
          • 4. This something must be: GOD.
          • Arrow analogy


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