Tectonic Plates

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  • Tectonic Plate
    • Tectonic plate margins are the edge of the plate boundary's.
    • Oceanic crust is younger and mainly composed of basalt. This crust is heavier therefore denser and can be forced into the mantle easier. Its surface elevation is 4.8km above ocean floor.
    • Continental crust is thicker, older, and lighter meaning it is less dense, and also mainly composed of granite. It's 35km thick.This crust is continually made at constructive plate margins.
    • Destructive Margin are when two plates oceanic and continental  move towards each other. The denser oceanic plate moves under the continental plate creating a deep ocean trench.. increased temperatures and friction cause it to melt creating a subduction zone, this creates a volcano.
    • Constructive Margin are where two plates are moving away from each other creating a gap between them. Molten rock also known as magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap creating a mid-ocean ridge. This creates volcanoes and earthquakes.


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