Crime and Deviance - Surveillance

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  • Surveillance
    • Foucault: Birth of the prison
      • Two forms of punishment:
        • Sovereign power: Rule by monarch resulting in BRUTAL punishments.
        • Disciplinary Power: body, mind and soul governed through surveillance.
      • The Ponopticon: the few can see the many, prisoners don't know they are being watched so they just have to behave at all times
      • There is a dispersal of discipline within society and its institutions where individuals conform through self-surveillance.
      • Criticisms of Foucault
        • wrongly assumes that the expressive aspects of punishment no longer exist within society
        • exaggerates the extent of control: Goffman - individuals are able to resist controls
        • feminists see CCTV as an extension of the "male gaze"
        • CCTV doesn't necessarily reduce crime
    • Surveillant assemblages
      • Ericson + Heggarty - surveillance technologies involve manipulation of virtual objects in cyber space rather than physical bodies in physical space
    • Social sorting + categorical suspicion
      • catergorise people so they are treated differently depending on the risk they pose
      • people placed under suspicion because they belong to a certain group
  • Synoptic Surveillance
    • Mathiesen - Everybody watches everybody now
    • Thompson - powerful groups such as politicians fear media's surveillance of them
    • Surveillance
      • Foucault: Birth of the prison
        • Two forms of punishment:
          • Sovereign power: Rule by monarch resulting in BRUTAL punishments.
          • Disciplinary Power: body, mind and soul governed through surveillance.
        • The Ponopticon: the few can see the many, prisoners don't know they are being watched so they just have to behave at all times
        • There is a dispersal of discipline within society and its institutions where individuals conform through self-surveillance.
        • Criticisms of Foucault
          • wrongly assumes that the expressive aspects of punishment no longer exist within society
          • exaggerates the extent of control: Goffman - individuals are able to resist controls
          • feminists see CCTV as an extension of the "male gaze"
          • CCTV doesn't necessarily reduce crime
      • Surveillant assemblages
        • Ericson + Heggarty - surveillance technologies involve manipulation of virtual objects in cyber space rather than physical bodies in physical space
      • Social sorting + categorical suspicion
        • catergorise people so they are treated differently depending on the risk they pose
        • people placed under suspicion because they belong to a certain group
  • Feeley & Simon
    • Actuarial Justice and Risk Management
      • Actuarial analysis: calculating statistical risk of particular events
      • Focuses on groups rather than individuals
      • interested in prevention of offending
  • Labelling and Surveillance
    • CCTV operators use typifications when making judgements of potential offenders


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