supporters and opponents of the church settlement

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  • supporters and opponents of the settlement
    • french ambassador deMaisse; "say prayers in English, recognize mass...kept epistle and gospel... sing psalms in English, using organs and music... absence of images, not much different to rome
    • agreement of church settlement of 1559 was establishing the Anglican church. The church of liz was protestant in doctrine and catholic in practice
    • visitations of parishes and clergy was enforce to check compliance with injunctions.
      • those who did these visitations were protestant, lead to man smashing of the alters and images
    • between 1559-64 400 clergy members resigned. either unwilling to accept restrictions placed on them or openly catholic
    • The vestarian controversy
      • jan 1565- queen wrote to bishop parker to ensure people stuck to the rules of the injunctions
        • this is because many of the clergy refused to wear the specified vestments
      • the advertisements were to reassure the rules
        • parker made a fashion show and invited 110 clergy members to show what the correct dress is
          • clergy members who refused to do this were objecting on theological grounds
        • people who refused were saying they were more than just people
      • pamphlets produced saying surplices could not be worn by priests from the bible
      • pruitans argued it was not the job of the monarch to decide how they dress
      • some extremists refused the monarchs rule and wanted to break with the church of england-  anabaptists
      • Queen backed down
    • visitations in York in the 1560s demonstrates the continuation of catholic practices and beliefs
      • some still practiced prayers for the dead.and had no bible in english.
      • attitude of gentry and nobility was important. relationship between Percy's and tenants was significant in the Durham Diocese
      • conformists were outwardly protestant and practiced Catholicism in their spare time
    • elizabeth gave the opportunity for them to swear the oath of supremacy only once. and no one was put to death for saying mass.


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