Psychology - success for dieting A2

Sucess for dieting info and study.

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  • Sucess of Dieting - Detail
    • Redden(2008) - claims people like experiences less as they repeat them
      • This makes it harder to stick to a particular regime/diet.
        • SO to overcome this, instead of thinking "OH DEAR NOT ANOTHER SALAD!"
          • We should should focus on the details of the meal (e.g. rocket, cucumber etc)
            • By focusing on specific details people get bored less easily and so are better to maintain a diet.
    • Jelly beans experiment (Redden)
      • 135 participants.        22 jelly beans each.
        • As each bean was dispensed info. was flashed onto a computer
          • Group 1: general info.     e.g. bean no.7
          • Group 2: Specific details            e.g. cherry flavour no. 7


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