Success and Failure of dieting

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  • Success and Failure of Dieting
    • Restraint Theory
      • Suggests that attempting to eat increases the chance of overeating, leading to weight gain and the failure of the diet.
        • HERMAN AND MACK theorized this would lead to unrestricted eating
          • Restricted eating is seen to be restricting the amount of food eaten, not consuming certain foods or not eating at certain times.
            • WARDLE AND BEALES randomly assigned 27 obese women to a diet group, an exercise group or non-traditional group for 7 weeks.
              • Diet group ate more
                • Good empirical evidence shows theory to be highly valid
                  • HOWEVER, doesn't explain eating disorders- so internal validity reduced
    • Boundary Model
      • HERMAN AND POLIVY suggested that hunger keeps the intake of food above a certain level and satiety keeps it below a certain level
      • However, dieters have to have a larger range between hunger and satiety levels as it takes them longer to feel hungry and more food to satisfy them
        • Diets then tend to fail because dieters go over their desired intake- eat until they are satisfied
    • Denial Theory
      • Attempting to suppress or deny a thought frequently and this can sometimes have an opposite effect, making it even more pressure
        • Because the issue of eating is even more prominent in the mind
          • WEGNER (1987) refers to this as the theory of 'ironic processes' of mental constraint. E.g. indulgence of forbidden foods.
    • Success of diet theorized by Redden
      • Suggests you pay attention to the details of what is being eaten.
        • People less likely to become bored if they think of it in an imaginative way i.e. focus on the details of the salad not contacts
          • Enjoyed information better
            • High in external validity- easily generalised
              • Laboratory experiment - not representative
                • Low ecological validity
                  • No cause and effect relationship
    • IDA
      • Reductionist
        • Allows us to analyse factors in greater depth
      • Low in internal  validity
      • Holistic approach more appropriate


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