Sociology; subcultural strain theories

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  • Subcultural Strain theories
    • A.K.Cohen; status fustration
      • lower class phenomenon from inability to achieve through legit means
      • criticise merton: ignores a lot of crime committed in groups/ esp young (not individual  & focuses on utilitarian aid which ignores the crime wo economic motive.
      • focuses on crime w working class boys that face ANOMIE in mc school system: culturally deprived and at bottom of official status hierarchy = suffer from STATUS FUSTRATION
        • problem = adjusting to lower status given by mainstream society. resolve frustration by REJECTING mainstream mc values and form own DELINQUENT SUBCULTURE w others
      • subcultures values = spite, malice, hostility to outsiders + INVERTS values of mainstream s.
        • gain status through delinquent behaviour + provide alternative status hierarchy/ illegitimate opportunity structure.
          • provides expl for non utilitarian crime but assume wc share mc goals to start (never saw as failures)
    • Cloward & Ohlin; three subcultures
      • wc denied opportunity to achieve money success/ not all adapt to situation by turning to 'INNOVATION' (eg. util crimes) - respond in different ways eg violence
        • different responses from unequal access to illegitimate opportunity structures. not all failures have equal chance of  becoming criminals .ideas from uni of chicago sociology dep- different neighbourhoods produce diff opp for young to learn criminal skill/ start criminal career
          • SHAW  + MCKAY: cultural transmisson- criminal cultures transmitted through generation, some high crime or crime free
          • SUTHERLAND; differential association- deviant behaviour learnt through social interaction w other deviants- learning criminal values
          • PARK + BURGESS; social disorganisation- changes like migration cause instability and disruption in family and comm structures, unable to exercise social control
      • CONFLICT SUBCULTURES; in areas w high pop turnover, high levels of social disintegration,prevents develop of prof criminal network- only illegit opp available + loosely organised.  violence release for mens  frustration and alt source of status through turf wars.
      • RETREATIST SUBCULTURES: any neighbourhood, not all who aspire prof succeed. become double failures who fail legit and illegit- turn to retreatism, drug use and alcholism


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