Student Movement

  • Created by: Max ww
  • Created on: 01-06-17 15:22
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  • Student Movement.
    • New pop stars and film heroes promoted a rebellious attitude. Many parents were shock that teenagers saw them as a role modal
    • Poets like Allen Ginsberg protested against what saw as a smug life for the middle class, he suggested dropping out and taking drugs.
    • There was a generation gap - many turned against their parents' comfortable lifestyle they thought they were to boring and keen on money.
      • Sex, drug and rock and roll - this shocked the older generation.
    • Reasons for protests.
      • young wanted more freedom in everything and what they did.
      • Contraceptive pill allowed woman to control sexual behavior and let them chose when to have kids.
      • Drug became more available.
      • MLK and civil rights campaigns showed them how to protest.
      • Vietnam war angered lots of young they believed it was more that just a war.
    • How Protested.
      • Student Democratic Society (SDS) set up to give students a greater saying how university was run.
        • Often clashed with police and in 1970 4 students were shot dead in a peaceful protest, 2 million students went on strike as a result.
      • joined civil rights campaigns.
      • Anti-Vietnam War 700,000 Marched on Washington burning draft papers sometimes flags 1969.
      • some were more violent such as a group called 'weathermen' bombed government buildings and army recruitment centers.
      • Hippy movement drop out of society totally, they grew long hair and wore distinct cloths, refused to work many took drugs.
    • Why so important.
      • Changes in youth culture.
      • moved away from older style and had there own fashion.
      • Made Withdrawal from Vietnam more likely.
      • provided publicity for racism in america
      • Shocked older Generation in to change and first time students had opposed gov and parents.




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