Weimar Germany - 1923-1929

  • Created by: Naomi
  • Created on: 15-04-13 15:19
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  • Streseman the German Nurofen
    • 1. The old currency was burned and a new sensibly valued Retenmark was created
      • Once the new currency was brought in, prices started to go back to normal
    • 2. The Dawes plan in 1924 came from the US
      • The plan lowered the reparations bill
      • Made millions of dollors of US loans available to help Germany set itself up in business again
    • 3. When reparations began again the French pulled out of the Ruhr
    • 4. With the French out of the Ruhr, German workers went back to work
    • 5. Once the economy began to improve the support for violent extremist parties disappeared
    • 6. Germany was now keeping to the Versailles agreement and paying its debts, so were accepted by France and the rest of the world
      • Germany, France and 62 other countries signed the Kellogg-Briand pact, promising to give up war in the future
        • This showed that Germany was just as high minded as everyone else
    • 7. The Young plan in 1929 organised a further decrease in the yearly repayments of reparations


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