Strengths and weaknesses of Harold's position as King

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 24-05-17 17:37
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  • Strengths and weaknesses of Harold's position as King
    • Coronation
      • Possibly crowned by respected Archbishop of York, Aeldred
      • Acclaimed by a Witan - support at coronation
      • Suggestion he was crowned by corrupt Stigand (Archbishop of Canterbury) - this rumour was created by William I
    • Experience
      • Had around 14 years of experience as sub-regulus to Edward
      • He knew how England functioned and gained increasing amounts of influence as Edward became more pious
      • Had trained up to take on this role
      • Strong warrior + leader
      • Second eldest son of a great political family
      • Almost acted as King under Edward
      • Had no experience acting as King of a country unlike some candidates such as William (Duke of Duchy) and Harold Hardrada (King of Norway)
    • Support
      • Support of powerful elements in English society (nobles, Witan, churchmen)
      • Acclaimed king by Witan
      • Reputation as strong warrior won him support
      • He gained support of Northumbrians by marrying Morcar and Edwin's sister
      • Lacked support from North (Northumbria) - lots f decedents of Danes inhabited these areas
    • Administration
      • Minting of coins - 45 different places - money still died in London suggesting central government continued to function
      • He was able to circulate a currency depicting him on it
      • A risk of stubbornness in face of necessary change to administration of the country
      • He didn't have to change anything as he used Edward's administration
    • Navy
      • Harold could actually protect his long coastline - he could prevent ships landing which would make defending England easier
      • He used it to drive off Tostig
      • At beginning of 1066, no fleet was ready
      • No arrangements to keep people at sea
        • Had to rely on requisitioning ships and forcing people to stay in the navy
        • It was slow to build up a fleet due to lack of provisions and having to gather them
      • Wasn't able to repel Harald or William
    • Army
      • Could raise as many men as his opponents
      • Harold had shown capability as a military leader in Wales while serving under Edward - good tactician
      • Harold was able to maintain force for 4 months (a notable achievement)
      • He prioritised (shown by stationing troops on south-coast to wait for William)
      • Had various sub-divisions that could be called upon to serve
      • He was able to call an untrained army to 3 major battles
      • Found it difficult to concentrate forces or keep large force in service for a long time
      • Housecarls (most experienced) unavailable for instant service and too few to be used as independent force
      • Suggestion Harold failed to adopt modern techniques (such as castles, using horses in battle, little consideration for archers)
        • Suggestion he relied on infantry (obsolete in Europe)
      • Peasant force and seamen only obliged to serve for two months
      • Harold was forced to disband his fleet and much of his army to collect the harvest
      • He split his forces
      • Used embryonic feudal system - outdated techniques


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