Strain Theory 

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  • Strain Theory
    • Crime as a consequence of strain
      • Merton argued in the in USA cultural institutions such as the media social individuals to:
        • Believe in the American dream – prosperity + upward mobility is available to anybody who works hard 
        • Achieve shared goals
        • Achieve these by approved means (working hard).
      • The institutional means of achieving prosperity (education + jobs) are usually provided by the social structure. 
      • However, Merton argues these structural means weren’t fairly distributed across social groups. 
      • He concluded a strain existed between dominant cultural goal and structural means of achieving that goal. 
    • Strain Theory
      • Merton believed strain led to poor experiencing anomie.
      • Anomie potentially undermined committment to consensus an order and they may respond by 1/5 types of behaviour.
      • Conformity - strong belief - accept structural means. E.g. majority response - most work hard and take responsibility for failure
      • Innovation - strong belief - reject legitimate means, they see that the means to success are blocked. E.g. A minority choose criminality to achieve goal of prosperity e.g. gangsters and drug dealers
      • Ritualism - weak belief - accept means but lack ambition. E.g. Someone in a low-level job who takes comfort in following their daily routine and the avoidance of risk.
      • Retreatism - reject goal - reject means. E.g. Give up and drops out of society e.g. a drifter or drug addict.
      • Rebellion - reject all goals, substitute alternative goals - aims to tear down and replace existing social means. E.g. Violent revolutions and terrorism e.g. French revolution (1789) or the Islamic Revolution in Iran (1979)
      • Merton concludes that the behaviour of both criminals and non-criminals are shaped by the same material desires and goals.
    • Evaluating Merton
      • Clearly shows capitalist social structure as cause  of crime.
      • Does not explain why individuals choose the response they do.
      • Fails to explain the crimes that are not economically motivated.
      • Merton underestimates the amont of crime committed by upper and middle classes who are not affected by strain between goals and means.


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