Storage Media Mindmap

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  • Storage Media
    • Internal
      • Internal Storage Media is the storage that is built into a device. This are devices like the hard drive in a PC.
      • Internal storage devices are usually quite large, with some measuring upto & over 100cm^3. Normal computer hard drives can hold terrabytes of data, however some large computers can hold petobytes & exobytes of data inside.
      • Internal storage cannot be bought separately, except for parts. When bought the cost will vary dependent on the amount of storage & capabilities of the storage device. An average price is between £50 & £500.
      • Internal Storage is used in all sectors. Business, Education, Personal, Social & More. They are used so that personal documents do not need to be stored online, and are more easily accessable
    • External
      • External Storage is any device that stores your data externally, i.e not on your computer.
      • External Storage devices can range in size from small USB Sticks, to large cloud servers & data centres.
      • External Storage devices can also vary in price. Some small 4GB usb sticks can cost as little as £3. Large Storage Devices such as external drives & 256gb USB sticks can cost over £100. Servers can cost thousands or millions.
      • External Storage is also used in all sectors. Business, Educational, Personal & Social. It is used because it allows for an extension of space on your computer or phone, and allows easy transfer of files between devices.
    • Optical
      • An optical storage device is one which uses lasers & optical transfer to store data on a disc.
      • Optical Storage devices consist of 2 elements. A reader & writer, and a disc. The disc is the same size as a dvd, and the reader is equally sized.
      • Discs cost between £5 & £25 a pack for between 5 & 20. Readers come with computers, and will cost more than £100.
      • Optical Storage devices are used in most sectors, more Business & Personal. In business they can be used to store promotional films, and in personal, dvds & cds are used for listening to music & watching media.
    • Magnetic
      • A magnetic storage device is one which uses a form of magnetic tape to store information. This includes Tape Cassettes, VCRs & Floppy Discs
      • Magnetic Storage Devices are usually quite large & bulky, although floppy discs are thin, they have a large area.
      • Magnetic Storage devices are uncommon these days, however they are inexpensive, with cassette tapes costing as little as £0.99
      • Magnetic Storage devices are not really used anymore, however in the past they were used for holding music, films & files. This is because tapes allowed for home entertainment easily. Music beforehand had to be on a vinyl record, and film was on actual film. Before floppy discs the only way to transfer files was to connect two computers with co-axle cables.
    • Flash
      • A flash drive is a small, ultra-portable storage device which, unlike an optical drive or a traditional hard drive, has no moving parts.Flash drives connect to computers and other devices via a built-in USB Type-A plug, making a flash drive a kind of combination USB device and cable.
      • A flash drive is usually very small, like a USB stick.
      • Flash drives are usually quite cheap, but can become expensive dependent on storage space.
      • Flash Storage Devices are used in most sectors due to their small size and compatibility with all computers.


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