Still I Rise, by Maya Angelou

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      • 'LIKE DUST I'LL RISE'- This is the first simile. If dust rises up from the dirt, it is usually unwanted but persistent. This suggests she refuses to be downtrodden regardless of what the oppressors say and think.
      • 'CERTAINTY OF TIDES' -These similes compares the narrator's ability to rise above the difficult times, to the certainty and apparent movement of the moon, sun, tides- Strong and unstoppable.
      • 'HATEFULNESS...LIKE AIR, I'LL RISE'- Narrator uses aggressive verbs to suggest violence and foul language. Using the simile to compare herself to air suggesting she cant be cut, shot or killed.
      • 'I DANCE LIKE I'VE GOT DIAMONDS AT THE MEETINGS OF MY THIGHS'-  In this stanza, the narrator expresses pride and worth in her own body. This relates to the memories of slavery where human bodies were traded as commodities. The simile comparing her to diamonds suggests a pride in her ability to produce offspring who are like diamonds, not worthless slaves. Also shows pride in her own self.
      • 'INTO DAYBREAK THAT'S WONDOROUSLY CLEAR I RISE'- New beginning, extends metaphor of the sun to sunrise.
      • 'I RISE'- Suggest chant/mantra suchas protest or to self motivate. The repetition of 'I rise' emphasises accomplishment and self confidence, and suggests that she will reinforcing that she will ''rise' no matter what.
      • The poem consists of 7 quatrains, (stanzas of 4 lines) followed by 2 end stanzas which contain a chant-like repetition of ''I rise"
      • End stanzas,- there is a rhyme scheme change, indicating a defiant change and clear end of the poem.
      • Rhythm: Clear rhythm and beat, adding to the sense of confidence.
    • QUOTES
      • 'WRITE ME DOWN IN HISTORY'- History may refer to the narrator's personal story and to the history of black people in America. She refers to a smearing of her reputation, and the way the history of black Americans has been misrecorded by the history books/writers.
      • 'I WALK L IKE I'VE GOT OIL WELLS PUMPING IN MY LIVING ROOM' - Suggests the narrator is proud and acts rich showing that she is resilient against her oppressors efforts to keep her in poverty. Simile...


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